Hi, Dr Jake here. Firstly let me say that good Chiropractic is really amazing - It completely changed the way I looked at health, and how I view the body. I first visited a Chiropractor after a head high tackle while playing rugby for Waikato U19's. At the time I was not able to link the decrease in concussion symptoms to the adjustment - I felt better and thought no more of it. The second time I saw a Chiropractor was 14 months after a major accident - where I was unlucky enough to fall 10m onto concrete. After 6 weeks in intensive care and months of rehab the accident had left me debilitated. That's when someone suggested I go to the Chiropractor. I didn't think much at first but after a few treatments I began to feel better and after such a horrid journey I was finally on the way to being well again. This miraculous change of events let me to want to learn more and in time train to become a Dr of Chiropractic. Now its my turn to give back - health, wellness and increasing the quality of life for people who are injured, suffering or just want to function at their absolute best! Its Called Chiropractic!


Fishing, Rugby, Sport, Family, Diving, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu


Chiropractic Adjustments
Injury rehabilitation
Muscle Repair
Exercise Therapy
Sport Injuries




09 408 8855


We take a goal-oriented approach to healing. Whatever your goals might be we want to help you achieve them.



Hello and welcome to Far North Chiropractic. I’m Casey and here is a little about me and what I do… Firstly a wife and mum to the two most amazing people ever! Secondly, I am Far North Chiropractics clinic director. During my time here at FNC, I have witnessed so many transformations through chiropractic care. It really is awesome to see how just with a few adjustments, the body’s incredible ability to heal, restore, and renew.  There are loads of testimonies, and heaps of information. If you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to ask either Jake or myself. We believe that chiropractic care is essential for health and wellbeing, and you won’t be disappointed. I look forward to meeting you  Casey


Horses, Horse Riding, Family, Church, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

What I do

Clinic Director


09 408 8855


We are committed as primary healthcare professionals to help our clients resume their lifelong pursuit of health, fitness, and well-being.